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Married in Mission


"Married in Mission" is a 191-page guide for couples called to the complex yet fulfilling world of cross-cultural humanitarian work. This resource addresses the inherent challenges and benefits of overseas ministry from the perspective of husband and wife. With a total of twenty-one interactive exercises concerning marriage and service, this handbook is a means for individuals to purposefully engage with their vocational roles as both spouses and missioners.


Kenny has identified seven phases within an extended, international volunteer/mission commitment: the pre-departure periods of (1) discernment and (2) preparation; the (3) beginning, (4) middle, and (5) end of the abroad experience itself; and finally, the post-assignment stages of (6) re-entry and (7) integration. Each chapter of this manual is dedicated to one of these seven distinct seasons of intercultural ministry.


Comprised of topics and conclusions based on anecdotal data gathered from over ninety married missioners, informed by a healthy blending of psychology and Catholic-Christian theology, and written in an informative yet accessible manner, "Married in Mission" is a comprehensive and necessary tool for all globally engaged couples. 




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